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How to Find Songs for Sampling | E-Digging Tutorial

Knowing how to build your own sample packs is the best-kept secret in most music producers arsenals, Beginners starting in music production can often take a ...

How to Get-Over Producers Block (Workflow Hack)

Just like any other creative person every now and then I'm prone to having a complete shut down of ideas, more often than I would like to admit I've searched ...

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Top 5 Free Massive Hip Hop presets

There's plenty of sound designers and synthesists out there releasing freemium massive hip hop presets, it may seem like you have to dig far and wide but with ...

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Setting Up Your First Home Recording Studio

How I Setup 'MY' First Home Recording Studio When I first started college, I was lucky if I was able to muster two pennies together; so buying any high spec ...

Logic Pro X Quick Tip: Chopping Samples with EXS24

If you're not an owner of any MPC hardware like Native Instruments Maschine or an AKAI MPC, then I recommend you get one! there's nothing like loving hip-hop ...

Logic Pro X Tutorials: 3 Ways to Time Stretch

Logic’s time-stretching capabilities have always been one of the most comprehensive out of any DAW, providing a variety of ways to perform the function from ...

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