One of the best things about music is working with other people, being a musician can be a very lonely place, especially when years like 2020 come around and ruin playing live shows for all of us, but regardless of that, the struggle to get tracks finished remains the same, and if now for at least the time being we have to do it virtually then let me show you the 10 best websites to find musicians to collaborate with.
So if you’re a music producer, beatmaker or an artist, these websites will defiantly help you.
1. SoundBetter

SoundBetter is a service from Spotify that aims to connect you with mixing & mastering engineers, singers, songwriters, producers, and studio musicians for hire.
180,000 users now sell their services on the platform. $19 million has been paid to musicians and producers to date, averaging around $1 million per month.
So if you need a guitarist, drummer, singer or any other kind of musician SoundBetter is a great place to start vetting musicians and make a shortlist of people to contact.
2. Fiverr

Fiverr is a worldwide marketplace where you can find a service for pretty much anything, including musicians!
Musicians simply sign up and create a Gig selling their services, usually, prices on Fiverr are very competitive and you can find some incredibly talented musicians who make a full-time income from Fiverr alone.
You can find any service you want by just searching and starting to qualify sellers based on ratings and reviews.
3. Kompoz

Kompoz is an excellent service that was designed entirely with music collaboration in mind, not only can you find musicians from all over the world but you can collaborate in real time using an array of innovative cloud-based workspace tools.
The best part is that it’s completely FREE with an option to upgrade starting from $5 per month, which is only necessary if you want to post more than three collaboration projects.
4. Melboss

Melboss is a private community for music creatives to connect, share songs, ideas and collaborate, finding and connecting with musicians is free, you can also request that a music industry mentor like Jeff Boza who has worked with industry titans like Celine Dion, Eric Clapton and more.
They also offer a premium music marketing service in which they help you create and launch ads, improve your branding and more.
5. Repost Exchange

Repost Exchange is owned by the same people that used to run Audiu.
Designed as a platform for people to organically grow their Sound Cloud followings, through Reposts, this platform enables you to meet new musicians and engage with their work.
6. Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups are an excellent way to find new musicians, you can find plenty of them out there that are just for your specific town, or you can find musicians nationwide and globally.
Here are my recommendations for groups that you should join:
7. ProCollabs

ProCollabs is not only a community for singers and songwriters but you’ll have producers, mixing engineers, saxophonists, violinists, and pretty much anything and anyone you can imagine.
With a free membership, you get 1Gb of free storage to upload MP3’s and share them with other members that you want to collaborate with. You can also have two projects running concurrently, not only that but you’ll also have access to a whole sweet of features that make it easier for you to collaborate with community members.
8. Join My Band

Join My Band is an excellent option to find musicians, especially if you’re in the UK, but you can post ads no matter where you are to arrange virtual collaboration.
This website is quite different from every other in this list so far, Join My Band allows you to post classified ad detailing your project and your requirements and those who want to participate can respond for free.
9. BeatStars

All though BeatStars is a marketplace that is primarily meant for music producers to sell their beats, the platform can also be an excellent place to source rappers and singers, you can either “rappers” or “singers” in their search box or click musicians in the categories section of the sidebar.
10. SoundCloud

Lastly, it’s the platform that everyone seems to have forgotten about in recent years, SoundCloud doesn’t need much explanation as I’m fairly confident you will have already heard of, all though it’s popularity may have gone down it is still a very prominent platform for musicians and like-minded individuals to collaborate and share ideas.